What Does Your Child Want from You?

It is commonly said that when a child is born, a parent is born as well. Children are the most precious things for any parent, and the parents, too, are the pillar of existence for the kids. Hence, the relationship between a parent and a child can be best defined as mutually enriching and exhaustive. Guiding your kid in the right way and responding to the requirements of the little angel at your home are the two most critical aspects of being a good parent.

This is particularly important owing to the socio-economic dimensions that have changed drastically over the last few years. Most of the families today have assumed nuclear size, drifting from the joint family structures. This has made children feel lonelier and without companions. As such, parents are the only ones from whom the kids expect love, friendship, and company.

However, to strengthen the bond between you and your child, you need to understand their requirements well. The perfect amalgamation of a child’s requirements and a parent’s understanding of the same can make the parent-child relationship a blessing for both. Several studies have led the researchers to the inference that children look forward to fulfilling some of the basic and individual-specific needs from their parents. And no, it’s not about the toys or money, it is far beyond that. So here, we, at Gurukul The School, have brought forth for you a brief of what your child might be looking for from you. Read on to explore.


The foundation of any relationship is love, and when it is the bond between the child and the parents, love defines the very soul of it. A child always looks for unconditional love from its parents. Do not put conditions like completion of a project or achieving success in a competition before you show your love to your children. Express your love anytime, anywhere and regardless of any other parameters like success, achievements, etc., to make your child feel cared for and loved.
