The Most Common Reasons Why Kids Avoid Listening to the Parents

Have you ever noticed your child selectively listening to what you say? Does he/she sometimes ignore you outright or seems to be completely avoiding listening to you? We, at Gurukul The School, understand that it can be frustrating for parents to see their child not paying attention to them. Every parent wants their children to listen to them, and when it doesn’t happen, they tend to keep on repeating the same to the point of exhaustion. But let us tell you that this habit of repeatedly asking the kids to do the task is what aggravates the problem rather than solving it. So here, in this article today, we have brought forth for you a few smart strategies that the parents can adopt to tackle the child and help resolve the behavior.

Not knowing where their attention is

Parents often talk to children without knowing if they are focused on their words or on something else. When you want your child to listen to you, make sure you are getting their attention, and there are no other distractions for them. When they are busy doing something else, they won’t probably listen. Before you start talking, get their attention first and ask them to stop whatever they are doing and listen to you carefully. Making eye-to-eye contact with the child is essential to let them know that you are talking to them.

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