Teaching Your Kids about Energy Conservation is Important

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.” – Leo Tolstoy

Energy is the most primary and probably the only element that lies at the core of the entire universe. No matter if it is about enjoying the day to day privileges and comforts or about finding fresh sources of electricity generation, energy is the one thing that remains central to the discussion. The one aspect associated with energy that makes it one of the most valuable resources available to mankind is that it can never be created nor destroyed.

With the current level of knowledge, humans can only transfer some of the available forms of energy into another form that can be used for daily use or scientific research. Once the natural store of these crude resource gets exhausted, there would hardly be another way to replenish it as we are only potent to consume, and not replenishing.

Hence, the consumption of energy is essential for the very survival of the human race itself. At Gurukul The School, the top ranking school in Ghaziabad, we believe it is vital that the awareness regarding the conservation of energy must be imparted to the kids at an early age so that by the time they grow into adults, abiding by the rules and norms that help in reducing wastage of the energy resources become a habit for them.

From water to air, from sunlight to wind, from biomass to geothermal elements, nature provides us with adequate resources to ensure sustenance of our very species on the planet. But with the rising levels of the population, causing the demand for energy to surge exponentially, the energy reservoir of nature is getting emptied faster than replenished. It is hence important to teach kids about the importance of conserving the energy resources to ensure that they contribute to turning the earth a better place to live for humans and all other species.

Read More: http://gurukultheschool.com/blog/teaching-your-kids-about-energy-conservation-is-important/ 
