The Importance of Fueling Your Child’s Imagination

If necessity is the mother of invention, imagination is the very way to achieve it. A mind that cannot go beyond the prevailing perceptions and ideas and explore the world that lies beyond with unlimited potential hidden within its womb can never flourish to its full capacity for sure. As the wise would put it, the mind is not to be taught, but to be allowed to imagine and explore. And as far as inquisitiveness, curiosity, and the thirst for knowledge are concerned, nothing can beat the importance of imagination.

Studies have revealed that children with an imaginative mind comprehend and learn faster than those who lack one. It is hence very important that our young ones are encouraged to the core to let them extend the wings of imagination and explore the untamed limits of the world. Here are some of the reasons why we, at Gurukul The School, believe that you must nurture your child’s imagination just as much as you wish to keep him/her bounded to the realities of the world.

Promotes Intellectual Growth

Intellect is a little more than just intelligence. While intelligence allows the mind of the child to be agiler, intellect adds the humane values to it, making the child a humble one with a sharp ability to think analytically. As far as wholesome development of the brain is concerned, intellectual growth receives more importance than mere intelligence. With the changing standards of measuring intelligence and brain agility, I.Q score is getting replaced by the E.Q score, which indeed signifies a dramatic shift in education approaches. Consequently, intellectual growth is gaining more importance, which imbibes both intelligence and the humanitarian face of it. Imagination is one of the instruments that add to the development of intellect, according to many studies. Hence, imagination is a must to keep your little one’s brain grow with the right sensibilities.

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