How to Make Your Child Understand the Difference between Indulgence & Needs

 There is no doubt about the fact that necessity has always been the driving force behind the infallible progress of the human race. Be it the first fire the cavemen lighted or the rolling log that inspired them to shape wheels to add pace to communication, necessity has indeed been the mother of invention.

But, as you may know, a little too much of what we need can turn out to be fatal. This is why the words need and greed sound similar, but mean much different. And this is exactly what the kids need to understand as well. At Gurukul The School, the top CBSE school in Ghaziabad, we believe that children should be groomed in such a way that they grow up with the spirit of empathy, cooperation, and coexistence. We believe kids should be aware of the evils of greed and self-orientation that often leads to indulgence. If not taught in time, they may fail to differentiate indulgence from need, and it might thereby take a toll on their overall development as an individual.

The Difference between Needs and Indulgence

We, at Gurukul The School, understand that no parents want their kids to live a life that is less than opulent. But, keeping your child aligned with the basic social norms that teach the difference between necessity and indulgence is essential. Making everything available for the children right at the moment they ask for it might ultimately rob them of their abilities to understand the value of things.

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