Are You Unknowingly Giving Out a Wrong Impression of Body Image to Your Children?

Body image is all about how we see ourselves in our mind’s mirror. It is more of a sentiment than a reality. The way we look, behave, talk, and react, makes our body image, and a lot of these images are nothing but how others perceive us. Likewise, sometimes even children get to judge themselves not based on their own perception but on how others see them or their parents think of them to be. It often happens that people pass remarks without knowing the long-run impact of those words on young minds. Consequently, the children receive a wrong impression of their body image and start believing in a so-called externally perceived image of themselves. These external remarks and judgments thereby also influence their own ways of evaluating themselves and turns into a problem.

At Gurukul The School, one of the leading private schools in Ghaziabad, we have seen that while every bit of remark may have an impact on the child’s mind, it is the remarks and the comments of their parents that impact them the most. Hence, as parents, you need to be careful about picking the right words while talking to your kids about their appearance, behavior, or even table manners. On that note, we have brought forth today some of the actions that you might be doing unintentionally but are possibly delivering an inappropriate sense of body image to your kids. Read on and take note to avoid these instances. 

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