Digital Etiquette Your Kids Should Be Aware Of

 With the technology seeping into every corner of our lives, having digital know-how has no longer remained an option but has grown into the need of the hour. Moreover, the lockdown phase has further raised their engagement with the digital arena. As such, when the digital world has become an inseparable aspect of our life, isn’t it only fair to impart our children with the digital etiquettes that help them stay away from all the probable dangers while unleashing its optimum potential!


So, in this article today, we, at Gurukul The School, one of the best schools in Ghaziabad, will shed light on some of the basic etiquettes that you must necessarily teach your kids to help them stay safe in the digital world and explore the sea of information it has to offer without falling into any trouble.


  • Protecting the private information

One of the primary things that all kids must be taught while stepping into the digital world is to make sure that they never share any of their private and sensitive information with anybody on the internet. Even when they are sharing a photo in public spaces, they must remain careful. Hence, first of all, make them understand what is meant by private and confidential information and then tell them about the possible dangers they may unknowingly invite by sharing it over the internet. Make them learn that address, whereabouts, passwords, embarrassing photos, and betraying comments are not the things to be shared on public platforms.


  • Being careful while communicating in the online domain

Yes, we understand that as parents, you have a lot of responsibilities to shoulder. And as such, it won’t always be possible to keep an eye on how your child’s communicating with others in the online world. Thus, the best thing you can do here is to let them know the apt way to communicate with others on digital platforms. Explain to them why they must remain careful about what they do or say to others on online portals.


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