Time-Ins or Time-Outs – What Should Be Your Preferred Way of Disciplining Kids

“My lovely kiddie! First of all, take a deep breath and tell me what the dilemma is. I am all ears to you!” – Parent A to his child A

“Listen kid! Just spend a few minutes with yourself alone in your room, and you will reach a solution to this dilemma yourself.” – Parent B to his child B

Here we observed two entirely contrasting parenting styles adopted by the two sets of parents. Though we, at Gurukul The School, recognized among the best school in Ghaziabad, believe in not judging our valued parents according to their parenting style or ways utilized for disciplining their kids, we do wish to assist them in this roller coaster ride of theirs by sharing a few pros and cons associated with the two methods cited above. Method A is termed ‘Time-in’ while strategy B is called the ‘Time-out’ method. Read on further to comprehend more about the two methods.

The plusses of choosing the ‘Time-in’ way of disciplining:

  • When kids keep standing by their kids’ side in any complicated circumstances, kids feel no more deserted, embarrassed, or panicked, and are thus in a better position to fight off the situation.
  • Children get the notion that they are being heard and their requirements are being genuinely examined.
  • Both children and parents get a chance to discuss the problem at hand.
  • Stronger personal bonds are developed between both parties.
  • They being a part of the issue at hand, parents deem the situation to be under their control.
  • There remains no scope for what we know as a power struggle.
  • And finally, kids end up being satisfied souls because they are able to discern a range of emotions they go through.

Read full article here: http://gurukultheschool.com/blog/time-ins-or-time-outs-what-should-be-your-preferred-way-of-disciplining-kids/
